Archive my scans in case I need them

New Archive my scans in case I need them

Archive your precious film scans, just in case you need them. 

We will archive your scans and keep them on file until you decide to opt out if you choose a lifetime subscription. Imagine if you lost your films, or damaged your photos and you have no record of your films or photos, memories that just could not be replaced. Keep those memories safe and locked away in our storage vault. Pay a monthly subscription in case you decide to opt out at any point or pay a yearly subscription which works out cheaper and you know exactly where you are for 12 months, knowing your precious memories are safely stored for a year. You can also choose to pay a one time fee and have a lifetime of peace of mind not to mention benefiting from massive savings.

Already have storage with us?

If you have previously paid for a storage subscription simply select I have a storage subscription under the options and subscription type. We will add your new scans to your archive using your name and order number.

Don't forget to add this option each time you purchase film developing. If you forget to add this when checking out your film/aps/disposable orders simply email us and we will locate and store your recent order to your archive.

How do I access my stored scans?

Simply email us with your order number(s) and we will send you a WeTransfer link for you to download. This is like our WeTransfer digital only product but instead of paying per film, you will get the link as and when you need it as often as you like with access to everything you have chosen to store. We will still keep your scans stored regardless of you downloading them. Unless a subscription is cancelled of course. 

What's the benefits?

  • Unlimited WeTransfer links upon request
  • Big savings when compared to paying per film for digital links
  • Peace of mind knowing your scans are safe
  • Never lose your memories
  • Cancel anytime and receive a downloadable link valid for 7 days

How to order

  • Choose subscription option
  • Choose subscription type from the dropdown
  • Choose from Monthly(default) Annually or a lifetime one off payment.
  • Simply add this product to any 35mm film/APS/Disposable or even Slide order.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Subscription fees are non refundable so if you choose to cancel we cannot refund previously paid fees. Please give one weeks notice to stop further recurring payments. Stored files will be subject to deletion after 7 days after a cancellation request to allow you to download your files via a Wetransfer link that we will send you upon requesting to cancel.

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  • Views: 1341
  • Product Code: ARCS
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £0.00

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Tags: archive my film scans, store my digital film scans, film scan sorage, lifetime storage for films, keep my films forever, archived film scans, store all my film scans, saltash film storage, saltash photo archive